City policies

Find policies that apply to city employees. City Council adopts these policies to guide how the City works.


ADA Equal Access Procedures

Alcohol Testing: see: Drug and Alcohol Testing

Alternative Work Arrangements

Anti-Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Policy

Automatic Vehicle Management Policy


Background Check

Budgetary Leave Guidelines


Capital Asset Policy

Charitable Organizations


Certifications, Appointments and Probation (Civil Service Rule 8)

Communications, Electronic FKA Electronic Communications Policy

Conflict of Interest

Construction Contract Amendment - Policy and Procedures

COVID-19 Safe Workplace Policy


Data Charges

Data Practices, Public Access

Defense and Indemnification of Officers, Employees and CERT Volunteers

Discipline and Removal (Civil Service Rule 11)

Distracted Driving Policy

Drug and Alcohol Testing (Reasonable Suspicion)

Drug and Alcohol Testing (Pre-Employment)


Economic Interest Statement

Electronic Communications

Eligibility for Employment and Promotion (Civil Service Rule 7)

Employee Resource Group (ERG) Program Guidelines

Employee Rewards and Recognition

Employment and Promotion (Civil Service Rule 6)

Enterprise Information Management

Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action (Civil Service Rule 5)

Ethics in Government

Exempt Employment Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

Exit Interview


Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA 1993)

Financial Management Policies

Firearms - Policy Prohibiting Firearms and Dangerous Weapons in the Workplace

Food (Healthy)

Food and Beverage Procedures


Gifts and Loans of Art

Gifts to Individuals (see Ethics in Government)

Gifts to the City

Gifts between Employees Policy

Grants and Special Projects


Healthy Food

Hiring Freeze Procedures


I-9 Resource Guide

Indoor Space Temperature Policy

Investment Policy and Strategy


Job Classification - (Civil Service Rule 4)

Journal Entry Approval


Layoff, Re-employment, Reinstatement and Restoration (Civil Service Rule 12)

Leave of Absence With Pay (Civil Service Rule 15)

Leave of Absence Without Pay (Civil Service Rule 14)

Limited English Proficiency

Long-Term Revenue

Comprehensive Plan Policies

Minneapolis 2040 is an update to the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The plan sets the direction for the City's growth and development. The plan contains policies to support its goals.