Online meetings

Meet, chat, call, and collaborate using our online meeting tools.

Microsoft Teams

City of Minneapolis employees now have the ability to explore remote work and online collaboration using our standard platform, Microsoft Teams.


Share your opinion and have fun with your team. Send GIFs, stickers, and emojis in a group chat or in one-to-one messages.

Explore Teams chat features


Instantly go from group chat to video conference with the touch of a button. Teams of two or 10,000 can meet in one place from anywhere.

Find out how to hold and attend online meetings


Make and receive calls directly in Microsoft Teams with from your phone or computer. Teams includes advanced calling features like your own phone number, voicemail and group calls.

Learn about calls with Teams


Easily find, share, and edit files in real time using familiar apps like Word, PowerPoint, and Excel in Microsoft Teams.

Read about collaborating with your colleagues and external partners

Get started with Teams

Review related policies

  • Make sure you know what data you are creating is available to the public, in Teams.
  • Check out the electronic communications policy available on CityTalk, and ask your supervisor if you have questions.

View related policies

Get Teams

  • The Microsoft Teams software is already installed on your work computer. Go to your list of programs on your computer and look for Microsoft Teams.
  • Download the Microsoft Teams app from your smartphone's app store (optional).

Open the application

  • Double-click your Microsoft Teams desktop shortcut on your work computer.
  • If it's the first time you've used it, log in with your regular computer credentials.

Explore Microsoft Teams

  • Visit the resources to get started using Teams.
  • Check out any Teams you may have been added to by others.
  • Ask your peers what features they find helpful, and use often.

Visit the Microsoft Teams Learning Resources

Request a team and channel be created for you

  • If you need a digital workspace for your work team, request a new Team on the CityLife Employee Hub.
  • You can include external and internal people in your Microsoft Team - have external guests' email addresses on hand.

Request a new Microsoft team and channels

Other Microsoft products

All three Office 365 applications -- OneDrive, Teams and SharePoint -- provide online, secure document storage that you can selectively share with internal and external coworkers. 

What to use when you are working remotely can be confusing. Here are some good general rules to consider when picking an online tool for work.

  • OneDrive is great to store and edit your individual documents. You may not need to share them, but you can access them from anywhere.
  • Teams will help you communicate and collaborate on documents with your internal and external team on group projects.
  • SharePoint is the best way to share documents with an entire department or organization.

Online community engagement

Our Neighborhood Community & Relations department has created lots of resources on CityTalk to help you engage with residents and external guests using online meetings and tools.

Connect to VPN and go to CityTalk > Government > Online Meetings > Community Engagement to learn more and request support.

Additional resources

We have some resources to help you stay organized and simplify learning more about best practices for working remotely.