Misaddressed Mail Procedure

Procedure for mail sent to the wrong address.

Governing Policy: Mailing Policy

Department Approval: June 30, 2007

Administering Department: City Clerk's Office

General Conditions

  1. Misaddressed mail costs the City extensive staff time to sort and reroute.
  2. All departments are responsible for correcting misaddressed mail
  3. There are four ways to correct misaddressed mail:
    1. Phone: Call the sender and request a correction.
    2. E-mail: Look for the sender’s e-mail address on the mailing or on their website.
    3. Write a letter: Stating that these individuals are no longer at this address. Cut the mailing labels from the received mail for the individuals who are no longer with the City and tape them to the letter and mail it back to the sender.
    4. Send an address correction postcard: Cards are available in the Mail Room and from the United States Postal Service.
      Complete all sections of the card:
      1. Fill in the name and the address to whom the mailing was addressed in the “OLD” section of the form.
      2. Fill in the new address in the “New Section”.
      3. Write in the new address for the recipient if known.
      4. If the address is not known write “recipient no longer at this address, delete from mailing list”.
      5. If the agency no longer exists write “agency no longer exists, delete from mailing list”.
      6. Sign your name.
      7. Write the sender’s name and address on the front of the card.
      8. Attach a colored mailing card with “postcards” checked; verify that the department’s accounting codes are correct.
      9. Take the mail to the Mail Room, B27.

Contact us

Document Solution Center (DSC)

City Clerk's Office




City Hall
350 S. 5th St., Room B27
Minneapolis, MN 55415