Healthy schools

Helping schools in Minneapolis create healthier environments for their students.

Promoting physical activity throughout the school day


Childhood obesity is threatening health and educational outcomes for our young students. We are committed to help creating  school environments that support health by making healthy choices easy and accessible.

The Healthy Living team partners with Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) to identify opportunities to incorporate more physical activity before and after school and during the school day, through Safe Routes to School and active classroom initiatives.

Safe Routes to School (SRTS)

MPS developed an updated SRTS Strategic Plan with a focus on equity and sustainability. Accomplishments include:

  • Helping teachers and staff implement WBF! curriculum.
  • Creating a system to implement sustainable Bus Stop & Walks, and working to leverage connections for maintenance, storage and partner grant support.

We will continue to support the priority goals and objectives outlined in the plan to move towards universal bike education for all 4th and 5th graders. The goal is to create to create a school-owned bike fleet guide geared towards priority schools who do not have fleets or engage with WBF! curriculum.

MPS will work towards Universal Bike Education by focusing on virtual trainings and support to help grow efforts and pursuing external grant funds to equip schools with their own SRTS plans. 

Past accomplishments

  • In 2014, established systems for successful salad bars in schools through innovative partnerships with food service staff, promotional/educational events, and student engagement activities.
  • 1551 students in 5 charter schools have access to salads every day at school.
  • MPS Nutrition Services engaged students to design a salad bar marketing campaign and lead peer-to-peer salad taste-testing events at 11 schools.
  • Students are increasing their physical activity each day through Safe Routes to School, active recess and activity breaks throughout the day.

Contact us

Healthy Living

Health Department




Public Service Building
505 S Fourth Ave, Room 520
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office hours
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday