Active living

Changing the environment to inspire transportation mode shift and create opportunities for physical activity that are practical and enjoyable.

Active transportation can improve your health




Walking, biking, and rolling can be great ways to travel in the city, plus using active transportation can:

  • Improve your posture/balance
  • Lower your blood pressure
  • Increase your energy
  • Increase your flexibility and muscle strength
  • Lower your stress levels

Physical activity provides many health benefits

For most adults, getting 30 minutes of moderate physical activity per day will improve health. The activity can even be broken up into three 10-minute chunks, like taking short, brisk walks. Choosing to get around by walking, biking, or taking transit instead of driving is a great way to incorporate exercise into your day. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), regular physical activity can:

  • Help control your weight
  • Prevent heart problems, diabetes, and some cancers
  • Strengthen your muscles and bones
  • Improve your mental health
  • Prevent falls, if you are an older adult

See physical activity data from the CDC

Current Projects

No matter where you are or what you are doing, you can find safe, fun ways to get active — so Let’s Get Moving! 

  • Walk, Bike, and Roll Audits

Working to make sure that the built environment in the City of Minneapolis reflects what residents want to see on their streets.

  • Walkable Glendale

Supporting Walkable Communities work to make the streets within the Glendale Townhomes safer and more walkable.

Past Projects

  • North Minneapolis Greenway

From 2012 to 2016 the City of Minneapolis engaged with northside partners and residents to collect input on a potential greenway to support health, transportation, and recreation. Implemented a temporary plan to add a greenway through a neighborhood street, running north and south for five blocks to make streets more bike and pedestrian friendly.

  • Active Living for Seniors

Partnered with the Minneapolis High-Rise Representative Council (MHRC) to improve active living for seniors living in Minneapolis Public Housing Authority high-rises. Together we engaged seniors living in 10 high-rises to make it easier to walk around the high-rises, use fitness equipment in the buildings, and access falls prevention classes.

Active living tips and resources

  • Find out how much exercise people of different ages should get by visiting the CDC website

Contact us

Healthy Living

Health Department




Public Service Building
505 S Fourth Ave, Room 520
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office hours
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday