Civil Rights Proposal for a Community Commission on Police Oversight 

November, 2022

Last evening, Civil Rights staff presented a proposal for a unified Community Commission on Police Oversight at the first of three public forums (Public Forum Announcement). This initial event was held in Ward 4 with Public Health and Safety Committee Chair Vetaw and provided the first opportunity to share more detail on the proposed reform with members of the public. 

The next forum will be on Monday, November 21st at the Powderhorn Recreation Center with Council President Jenkins. We encourage community members to join us on Monday evening to learn more about what is being proposed in advance of a public hearing scheduled for Wednesday, November 30th

Staff are exploring ways to incorporate feedback into the proposal in advance of our next public forum on Monday, November 21st at the Powderhorn Recreation Center with Council President Jenkins. We encourage anyone interested to join us on Monday evening in order to learn more about what is being proposed in advance of a public hearing scheduled for Wednesday, November 30th at the meeting of the Public Health and Safety Committee.

If you are unable to attend Monday's meeting, we hope you will join us at the final (virtual) public forum held with Councilmember Wonsley on Monday, November 28th at 6:00 here: 11/28 Virtual Meeting Link.

Materials shared at last evenings meeting are available here: