Retirement Awards Policy

The Retirement Awards program was established to recognize retiring City employees that have completed 25 or 30 years of dedicated service.

These awards are the crystal Clock Tower and bronze Father of Waters, respectively.

I. Eligibility

Criteria for 25 Year, Clock Tower Award

  • Retiree must complete 25 years of actual service* to qualify for the Clock Tower Award.
  • Retiree must voluntarily separate from the City.

* Calculated from his or her start date with the City of Minneapolis

Criteria for 30 Year, Father of Waters Award

  • Retiree must complete 30 years of actual service* to qualify for the Father of Waters Award.
  • Retiree must voluntarily separate from the City.

* Calculated from his or her start date with the City of Minneapolis

II. Award Process

  • Request Form (To be completed by Department Head or designee)
  • Verification of Eligibility (Human Resources)
  • Ordering of Award and Engraved Nameplate (Human Resources)
  • Award Pick-up and Presentation (To be arranged by Department Head or designee)

III. Further Information

For further information, please contact Melody West in Human Resources at: (612) 673-3121