Publication Policy

The City's publication policy and procedures for production of major publications.



Applies To

City Council Departments


Publication Policy and Procedures for production of major publications


Council Approval: 2003R-653 (Dec. 29, 2003)

Effective Date: Dec. 29, 2003


Publications, brochures, pamphlets

Administering Department

Communications Department

Publication Policy


In order to have accurate, necessary and timely communication with our residents, the Communications Department will approve and coordinate the production of all major publications within the City. This oversight will not only be cost-effective, but will result in consistent visual and verbal messages that are effective and accurate. It will also create a tracking system which will eliminate duplicate publications and save City departments money. The Communications Department will provide assistance with writing, editing, and graphic design, allowing department staff to focus on their area of expertise.

How to Request an evaluation

To have your publication evaluated for approval, please contact the Communications Department.

Major Publications

You will need to get approval from the Communications Department for all major publications (This policy does not include communications from the Mayor or City Council offices). These include:

  • Reports – Communications approves reports distributed to more than 250 people
  • Newsletters – Communications approves all newsletters from departments
  • Utility billing inserts – Communications reviews all utility billing inserts before Council approval
  • Brochures – Communications approves all brochures
  • Pamphlets – Communications approves all pamphlets
  • Posters – Communications approves all posters
  • Letters, postcards and other mailers that get essential information to residents – Communications approves letters, postcards and other mailers distributed to more than 200 people at a time

Contact us

Communications Department




City Hall
350 Fifth St. S., Room 301M
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office hours

8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Monday – Friday

See list of City holidays