Distracted Driving Policy

This policy establish a driving policy that prohibits distracted driving activities by employees while driving for the City.
Type Enterprise
Applies To All City employees under the Mayor and City Council. Not covered under this policy are elected officials, independent contractors and volunteers.
Synopsis Establish a driving policy that prohibits distracted driving activities by employees (during non-emergency responses) while driving for the City of Minneapolis.
  • Council Approval: Aug. 8, 2016
  • Effective: Sept. 1, 2016
Keywords Distracted driving, cell phones, City vehicles
Administering Departments Public Works Fleet Services
Risk Management & Claims Division


The City of Minneapolis requires its employees to operate vehicles with a heightened level of awareness and responsibility to ensure public safety. The purpose of this policy is to increase employee safety, align City policy with State and Federal laws, reduce unnecessary risks while driving, and reduce the likelihood and/or severity of motor vehicle accidents. City of Minneapolis deeply values the safety and well-being of all employees and citizens. Therefore it is the policy of the City of Minneapolis that:

  1. All City employees must follow the City of Minneapolis Distracted Driving Policy.
  2. Employees are not permitted to operate a motor vehicle while performing tasks that may cause distractions while driving/operating a vehicle.
  3. If an employee must make a call, including an emergency call (911), the employee must first park the vehicle in a safe location.

Investigations resulting in a finding that an employee’s conduct violated this policy will result in appropriate action and may result in discipline, up to and including, suspension without pay or discharge from employment.

The Director of Risk Management or designees, are responsible for the development, establishment and maintenance of procedures to implement and support this policy, and to ensure the policy is in compliance with applicable laws, City ordinance, policies and rules.

Department Heads are responsible for ensuring that the policy is communicated to all employees and for compliance.

Emergency exception:

  1. All City vehicles responding to an emergency are excluded from this policy. Using a hand-held mobile cell phone is permissible by drivers when necessary to communicate with law enforcement officials or other emergency services.
  2. The use of City’s two-way radio system while driving is excluded from this policy.
  3. Commercial motor vehicles are covered under the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) rules specifically prohibiting drivers of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) from texting or using hand-held mobile phones while operating their vehicles.

Policy & Procedure Documents:

Contact us

Chris Royston

Director, Fleet Services
Public Works




Currie Maintenance Facilities
1200 Currie Ave. N., Room 209
Minneapolis, MN 55403

Risk Management

Finance Department


City Hall
350 Fifth St. S., Room 325M
Minneapolis, MN 55415