Traffic calming

Traffic calming makes your neighborhood streets safer and reduces risky driving. Find out how to ask for traffic calming, learn about our traffic calming programs, and see what projects we are working on.
Traffic circle at 29th & Girard Ave N
Traffic circle at 29th & Girard Ave N
Bump out at 29th & Humboldt Ave N
Bump out at 29th & Humboldt Ave N
Speed hump on Irving Ave N
Speed hump on Irving Ave N

Traffic calming programs

We use different treatments to reduce speeding and improve safety. 

Some examples of those treatments are:

  • Speed humps
  • Curb extensions
  • Traffic circles
  • Mid-block median islands

Traffic calming supports the City's commitment to Vision Zero, a national movement to end deaths and severe injuries on our streets. 

Learn about Vision Zero Minneapolis and our guiding principles

Share your traffic safety concerns about High Injury Streets

In August 2022, the Minneapolis City Council agreed on a better way to calm traffic on certain neighborhood streets. This new way is fairer and more open, and uses our resources better. 

The Neighborhood Traffic Calming Report includes:

  • Details about the new process
  • An application form
  • An updated toolbox
  • Information about how we review and score applications
  • A timeline for the annual process

Neighborhood Traffic Calming Report 2024

Watch the August 25, 2022 presentation to the PWI Committee


2024 Traffic calming projects

Each year we collect requests to slow down traffic from people who live, own property, or run businesses here. We looked at the requests we received over the last year and developed 23 projects that will be constructed across all 13 Wards.

Visit the online map to view the 2024 projects

Watch the presentation on 2024 projects


  • Fall 2023 - We received and evaluated applications for safety improvements
  • Winter 2023-2024 - We chose projects based on our evaluation
  • Spring 2024 - Engagement Round 1: We will collect feedback from neighborhoods on possible improvements
  • Spring 2024 - We will collect more data and recommend designs
  • Late Spring 2024 - Engagement Round 2: We will share design recommendations with neighborhoods
  • Summer/Fall 2024 - We will begin construction

Summary of project feedback

During the spring of 2024, we hosted several open houses near the locations of proposed traffic calming to learn more about traffic safety concerns from nearby residents and get feedback on potential traffic calming projects. A project feedback survey and interactive map were also available for anyone to provide additional comments to staff online. 




Request traffic calming

If you want traffic calming in your area fill out the online traffic calming application. It's open to everyone including residents, business owners, and neighborhood or business organizations. You can do it online or if you need help, you can call Minneapolis311. 

Submit a Traffic Calming Application online

Contact Minneapolis 311

If you can't use the online form, you can print the application and send it by email or US mail. Only use the printed form if you can't use the online application.

Traffic Calming Application

You can submit an application anytime, but September 1st is the deadline for us to consider your application the following year.

See all applications that have been submitted so far.

Projects completed in 2023

In 2022-2023, we gathered applications for traffic calming from residents, property owners, and business owners. we then evaluated each of these applications and held several open houses near locations where residents experienced traffic safety issues in Spring 2023. At these open houses, we learned more about specific traffic safety concerns of nearby residents. A survey and an interactive map were also available for anyone to provide additional comments to staff online.

Visit the online map to view each of the 2023 traffic calming projects

Contact us


Traffic calming requests





300 Border Avenue

Minneapolis, MN  55405


Minneapolis 311


Office hours

7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Monday – Friday