Employee Wellness Week

Wellness week is June 10-15, 2024. We want to make our workplace a happier, healthier and more fun environment for everyone.
Crowd at Minnesota Twins baseball game (courtesy of Meet Minneapolis)
People laughing together during meal
People painting on canvas

Wellness Week recordings

Person at laptop smiling

Take advantage of these great recordings to make mindfulness part of your daily life.

Each recording runs 30 minutes. Learn easy ways to slow down an active mind.

Missed a class during the week? Watch the recordings and still qualify for 250 wellness points each. You have until August 31, to watch and email Melody West to get your voucher code.

Wellness at work with Nancy Lyons - Kick-off

Embracing and including our colleagues with neurodiversity and invisible disabilities

Get off the toxic train

Discovering Financial Freedom 

Defeating Debt

Credit and Credit Cards with Wings Credit Union - enter passcode: UpJRS%7r

Cuisines from India with Exotic Palates 

Urban Wellbeing with Lachelle Cunningham





Contact us

Melody West

Wellness Specialist
Human Resources

Jordan Buddenhagen

Human Resources

Benefits Administration

Human Resources






City Hall
350 S. Fifth St., Room 1
Minneapolis, MN 55415