Housing progress report and continuum

The Way Home Progress Report highlights City housing values, strategies and key results of City programs, policies and investments that advance City housing goals.

The Way Home – safe, dignified and affordable housing for Minneapolis residents

Historic investments by the Mayor and City Council have led to an increase in housing production and preservation.

The Way Home Progress Report

The Way Home Progress Report Executive Summary

Our core housing values

  • Advance Racial Equity
  • Expand Opportunity
  • Prevent Displacement
  • Prioritize Resources
  • Develop Sustainably

Our key strategies

  1. Increase housing supply, diversity and affordability in all neighborhoods
  2. Produce more affordable rental housing and preserve subsidized affordable rental housing, for 30 years or more
  3. Preserve unsubsidized naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH)
  4. Improve and sustain access to homeownership, especially among low-income and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) residents
  5. Support renters
  6. Prevent and end homelessness
  7. Maximize potential of publicly-owned land to meet City housing goals

Contact us

Elfric Porte

Community Planning & Economic Development




Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 320
Minneapolis, MN 55415