Food safety videos in Vietnamese

We have videos in Vietnamese for staff and managers on food safety in commercial kitchens.

Food safety videos

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Hãy Tự Mình Làm Người Thanh Tra An Toàn Thực Phẩm (Be Your Own Food Safety Inspector)

We all want safe food and a safe workplace. No one wants customers to get sick. So here's an idea: you can be your own food safety inspector!

Watch the video

Thời Gian và Nhiệt Độ (Times and Temperatures)

The times and temperatures of cooking food is a big part of food safety. Here's how to do it right.

Watch it here

Sức Khỏe và Vệ Sinh của Nhân Viên (Employee Health and Hygiene)

Employee health and hygiene is crucial to keeping food safe. Here's what you need to know.

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Bảo Vệ Khỏi Nhiễm Khuẩn (Protection from Contamination)

Cross-contamination is when germs from some foods get into other foods. Preventing cross-contamination is key to keeping food safe. Here are the basics.

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Thiết Bị và Cơ Sở An Toàn (Safe Facilities and Equipment)

Keeping your facility safe and clean is very important, and the same is true for the equipment you use.

Watch the video

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Environmental Health

Minneapolis Health Department




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505 Fourth Ave S, Room 520
Minneapolis, MN 55415