Minneapolis Homes
Our goal is to eliminate racial disparities in homeownership and develop one to 20 units of ownership housing affordable and accessible to low to moderate income households throughout the City of Minneapolis. The program has a yearly competitive application process to sell City-owned properties and provide financing for affordable ownership developments that meet City goals.
Additional training resources
- Developers Technical Assistance Program (DTAP)
- Free support for small and emerging developers
- Classes, workshops and consulting services
- Urban Land Institute’s Real Estate Diversity Initiative (REDi)
- Applicant training materials
Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)
- Learn what it takes to put together a successful development. This program is available to people of color and women.
- Provides equity and resources for the implementation of an actual development project to small developers of color through a competitive RFP.
- Minneapolis Homes Financing Program Manual
- Minneapolis Home Financing Program Guidelines
- Ownership Subsidy and Affordable Sales Price Limits
- Perpetually Affordable Housing Land Trust Model