Ways to earn wellness points

There are a wide variety of ways you can earn points in the My Health Rewards program. You can improve your health and earn rewards. This page lists many of the ways you can earn points.

2024 Health actions

Biometric screening (1000 - 2000 points) Go to a work-site screening event, your doctor, or use another approved provider. Earn 1000 points for attending and 250 points for each test in the normal range. You'll find the schedule of onsite events and instructions in the Health tab on the Virgin Pulse site or app. Screenings MUST be completed no later than July 31 to ensure you will receive points by the August 31 deadline.

Daily Learning Cards (20 points per card, 2 cards per day) Visit Topics of Interest in the Profile section of the Virgin Pulse website or app to choose the areas you'd like to work on. Then, each time you check into the site or app, you'll get tips an information on those topics.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)  Visit the Benefits tab to earn 250 points for learning about how the EAP can help you tackle tough personal, financial or legal concerns.

Foodsmart by Zipongo NEW! Healthy eating is simple and affordable with Foodsmart's nutrition and recipe tools.

Journeys (Points vary)These self guided courses will help you reach your health goals. You'll earn 15 points for each step within a Journey and 250 points for competing an entire Journey. you may complete a maximum of one Journey per quarter.

Health assessment (1000 points) This brief, confidential questionnaire takes a snapshot of your health across seven domains - such as fitness nutrition and mental health - and recommends actions you can take to improve your scores.

Health & wellness class (250 points class, maximum 1000 points per year) Visit the Benefits tab on the Virgin Pulse member site or app to report the dates of City-sponsored wellness classes or programs you attend prior to August 31, 2024. Classes are in the process of being scheduled.

Healthy habits (10 points per habit, maximum 30 points per day) Choose an activity that interests you, then work on it a little bit every day – while you earn points. Over time, small steps add up to big changes that can improve your health. Access Healthy Habits right from the Virgin Pulse homepage or screen.

Hello Heart  If your blood pressure is 130/80 or higher, or you take a blood pressure medication, or have high cholesterol you can enroll in this program to receive a free blood pressure monitor that connects to an app on your smartphone. Get instant feedback on what your numbers mean and how you're doing. You'll also get tips on managing your blood pressure.

Media library (50 points max) Watch or listen to new fitness, mindfulness and meditation videos in the Media tab.

Monj (50 points per class and 200 points per skill) Improve the way you eat through an online food and lifestyle program. Visit the Benefits tab on the Virgin Pulse member site or app to set up a Monj profile for 100 points.

My Care Checklist (250 points per recommended service) Visit the Health tab to earn points for being up-to-date on recommended vaccinations, dental exams, eye exams, checkups and cancer screenings. NEW! Earn a $5 once-per-year bonus reward for getting a health checkup.

Next-Steps Consult® (500 points) Complete a 15-minute phone call with a trained health educator who will review your Health Assessment responses and recommend health improvement opportunities for you.

Nutrition and sleep guides (Points vary) Earn points while learning how to improve your eating and sleeping habits. Find both guides in the Benefits tab of the Virgin Pulse site or app.

Ovia Pregnancy app (Point values vary) Tap into personalized guidance and coaching to support a healthy pregnancy.

NEW! PSB Fitness Center (500 points) Badge into the fitness center and take a class or use the fitness equipment. Afterward, email your employee ID number and date of your visit to Jordan Buddenhagen to collect your reward points.

NEW! Self Care by AbleTo Find self-care techniques, meditations and other emotional well-being resources in the AbleTo app. You can also schedule an online session with a licensed therapist. Visit AbleTo.com/begin to learn more and get started.

Stats (Points vary) Track manually or sync your favorite app or fitness device to get credit for sleep and steps. To track calories, connect your Virgin Pulse account to the MyFitnessPal app – it’s free in the App Store or Google Play.

20-Day Triple Tracker NEW! Connect a fitness tracker to earn a reward for reaching one or more of the following goals on 20 or more days in a calendar month: 7,000 steps, 15 active minute, or 15 workout minutes. NEW! The reward has been increased to $25 per month for employees and remains at $5 per month for dependents.

Virtual care (250 points) Visit the Benefits tab on the Virgin Pulse site or app to pledge that you understand your virtual care options.

Volunteer (250 points) Visit the Benefits tab on the Virgin Pulse member site or app to report any date on which you volunteered in the community between September 1, 2023, and August 31, 2024.

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