Minneapolis claims process

You can learn about how to file a claim with the City of Minneapolis if you believe the City or one of its employees is at fault after the alleged loss or injury is discovered.

Things to know before you file a claim

When you can file a claim:

When you cannot file a claim:

  • If you believe a towing company damaged your vehicle during the tow. You must do this in person. 
  • If the incident occurred more than 180 days ago you cannot file a claim.

Please note:

  • The City may deny any claim where the City is not at fault.
  • Some of the information requested on this web form is private and confidential.  The data collected will assist the City in filing claims, targeting areas for increased efficiencies and remedying unsafe work conditions. 
  • A claim will not be created until these documents have been provided to the City of Minneapolis Risk Management and Claims division. 
  • If you have questions, please contact City of Minneapolis Risk Management and Claims office at 612-673-2969 or email riskmanagement@minneapolismn.gov

Data privacy

The City of Minneapolis requests some data that may be private under Minnesota Law. The City requests this data to review your claim.

You are not required to provide the requested information. However, this could hamper the City’s ability to process your claim.

Your private data will be available to:

  • Minneapolis Risk Management and other City of Minneapolis staff to process your claim
  • A court upon a court order
  • A state or federal agency when requested

The public data you provide is subject to public release under the terms of the Minnesota Data Practices Act., Minn. Stat. §13.01, et seq.

Directions for filing a claim

Here is an overview of what you'll need to know about filing a claim:

  • When you submit your completed form, you will receive a confirmation email.  It will be routed to City of Minneapolis Risk Management Claims Office.
  • You will need to include all proof necessary to show fault on the part of the City of Minneapolis. To successfully file a claim, please provide the following supporting documents:
    • Pictures
    • Bills or estimates to repair damages
    • Replacement cost quote
    • Receipts for purchases
    • Other supporting documents
  • Information you will need to include:
    • Your contact information
    • Your claim information related to towing, or property damage or injury
    • Location of the incident
    • A description of the circumstances of the incident and how the City or Park Board is involved.
    • Contact information for witnesses.
  • Read the official data practices statement included in the form.
  • Sign and date the form.

Complete the online claim form

Complete the online form - please use the Chrome browser when filling out this form. 

How your claim will be processed

Your submitted form will be processed in this manner.


  • Once we receive the completed claim form, an acknowledgment letter will be sent to the claimant within 14 days.
  • Claims investigators will research the claim and will gather all necessary information for the Staff Claims Committee.
  • The Staff Claims Committee will make their decision based on the investigation and the facts presented.

Please note:


  • Claims are reviewed monthly by the Staff Claims Committee.
  • If you disagree with the Claims Committee decision, please call 612-673-2061 or email City of Minneapolis Risk Management to schedule an appeal with the Claim Committee.
  • If you have appealed your claim and received a denial letter from the Staff Claims Committee, you are no longer able to appeal your claim with the City of Minneapolis.  Depending on the nature of the claim, you may file a court action by calling Hennepin County at 612-348-2713.  

Contact us

Finance & Property Services Department


Physical Address
Public Service Center
250 S. Fourth St., Room 401
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Mailing Address
City Hall
350 S. Fifth St., Room 325M
Minneapolis, MN 55415


