Alternative Work Arrangements (AWA) Policy

Rules for alternative work schedules like a compressed workweek, flextime, job share, phased retirement or telework.



Applies To

Departments: All departments under the jurisdiction of the Mayor and City Council.

Employees: This policy applies to appointed employees, non-represented employees, politically appointed employees and employees represented by the Minneapolis City Supervisors Association (MCSA), the Minneapolis Professional Employee’s Association (MPEA) and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 9 (General and Attorneys Units) . Employees covered by a labor agreement should check applicable contract language regarding Alternative Work Arrangements (AWA).


Establishes policy, roles and responsibilities for approving and authorizing the following AWAs covered by this policy:

1. Compressed Workweek - A 40-hour workweek is completed in less than five full workdays or an 80 hour work schedule is completed over a two week pay period in less than 10 work days.

2. Flextime - A 40-hour workweek (for full-time employees) is completed but there is flexibility in establishing daily start and end times. Days of the workweek may have varying start and end times, but the pattern should recur predictably over each workweek.

3. Job Share - More than one employee shares the duties of one full-time budgeted position. Work hours of each employee may vary.

4. Gradual Retirement - The practice of allowing individual employees nearing retirement to develop work schedules that allow them to retire gradually rather than going from full-time to retired in a very short period of time such as a single day.

5. Telework Telework is the practice of an employee working remotely. Remote worksites include homes, mobile worksites, customer sites, or other remote locations. Teleworkers generally use information technologies at the remote worksite to perform their work-related responsibilities.

Department heads (or their designees) may authorize AWAs to employees as a means of accomplishing business objectives. Authorizations for AWAs shall be approved in a manner that protects the assets of the City of Minneapolis and its employees to the maximum possible extent. AWAs approved under this policy may be terminated at the discretion of the department head or their designee. AWAs are not appropriate for all employees and no employee is entitled or guaranteed the opportunity to enter into them.


Council Approval Date: December 10, 2010

Effective Date: January 3, 2011

Last Policy Revision Date: December 10, 2010

Policy Coverage Expansion: Minneapolis City Supervisors Association (February 19, 2011), Minneapolis Professional Employee’s Association (June 30, 2011) and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 9 (General and Attorneys Units) (March 22, 2019).


telework, job share, compressed work week, flextime, flexible work hours, gradual retirement, alternative work arrangement, flexible work arrangement, ergonomic assessment, awa, telework equipment receipt, phased retirement, job sharing, telecommuting


Policy Document

Procedures and Forms


Related Policies


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350 S. 5th St., Room 1
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office hours

8 a.m.  4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday

See list of City holidays