The Minneapolis zoning code is the City’s primary tool for regulating land uses and implementing the policies of the comprehensive plan.
The zoning code evolves for a variety of reasons. These reasons include, but are not limited to, the need to:
- Comply with state law or other public agency requirements
- Ensure consistency with adopted plans
- Respond to changing market conditions and development patterns
- Simplify and streamline City ordinances and processes
Process for initiating and reviewing zoning code amendments
- Members of the City Council propose (or "introduce") zoning code text amendments.
- The City prioritizes amendments through a workplan developed by CPED and adopted by the City Council.
- City staff in CPED’s Code Development Team are responsible for researching zoning code text amendments and preparing draft language to present to policymakers.
- All zoning code changes are developed and reviewed through the following process in order to be adopted into the City’s code of ordinances.
Amendment initiated
- At a City Council meeting, a City Council member provides notice of intent to introduce an ordinance change.
- Subject matter is introduced at a City Council meeting one cycle after notice of intent has been provided. This step outlines the subject of the proposed ordinance and indicates which ordinance chapters may be changed.
- The ordinance change is referred to CPED for analysis, typically by the City Council’s Zoning & Planning Committee
Staff research
- City staff conducts research and analyzes options.
- Peer city comparisons.
- City Planning Commission discussion at Committee of the Whole.
- Draft amendment language proposed. Internal and external feedback is received and considered.
Formal adoption process
- A staff report is drafted and specific ordinance text is proposed and posted on the City Planning Commission’s web site.
- The City Planning Commission holds a public hearing, considers public feedback, and makes a recommendation to the City Council.
- The City Council’s Zoning & Planning Committee reviews the ordinance and makes a recommendation to the full City Council.
- The City Council acts on the proposed ordinance.
- Mayoral signature.
- The ordinance amendment is published, which is the effective date of the regulations. The ordinance change becomes part of the City’s code of ordinances.