Sewer availability charges

Residents and business have to pay to use the regional sewer system. We explain how and when you make your payments.
Sanitary sewer worker working on underground sewer line.


What to know

Our regional sewer system is owned, operated and maintained by Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES).

  • All Minneapolis property owners must pay a sewer availability charge (SAC) for their share of the system.
  • SAC fees allow MCES to maintain the systems and build pipes for future growth.

About your SAC charge

  • You are charged when you connect to the sewer system for the first time. This is usually during the construction permit and business licensing process.
  • You may be charged again if your business grows or changes to put more demand on the system.
  • The charge is for how much you will use the system. It's not a connection fee.

Read about the SAC program through MCES

See the SAC procedure manual  

Calculations, payments and deferrals

How MCES calculates your SAC

  • One single family home equals one SAC unit.
  • Multifamily, commercial and industrial properties require a determination.
  • A determination is a calculation of how much you will use the system. It's called maximum potential capacity.

Learn more about calculations and determinations

Payments and deferrals

  • MCES bills the City.
  • The City passes the fee onto businesses and property owners.
  • Businesses may be able to spread out their payments over many years by participating in the SAC deferral program.

Read about the SAC deferral program for businesses

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Contact us

Minneapolis Development Review

Community Planning & Economic Development


Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 220
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Service Center hours
Monday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.