Rent stabilization policy timeline
The University of Minnesota Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA):
- Conducted research about rental market conditions in Minneapolis
- Analyzed how a rent stabilization policy might impact those conditions
2021 CURA Presentation and Charter Amendment
The University of Minnesota Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA) presented its research to the City Council.
Minneapolis voters authorized the City Council to consider a rent stabilization policy by approving Charter Amendment 185.
Rent Stabilization Work Group
The City Council:
- Adopted a resolution establishing the Rent Stabilization Work Group
- Identified and approved members of the Work Group
The Rent Stabilization Work Group met 10 times from September through December 2022. The Work Group developed policy recommendations for the City to consider.
2023 staff analysis and legislative process
The City is analyzing the proposed policy frameworks as directed by the Resolution. This analysis includes expected:
- Fiscal impacts of a rent stabilization policy
- Impacts on housing supply, stability and quality
The team seeks to align recommended policy frameworks with the City’s goals. City goals include relevant parts of:
- Minneapolis 2040 (the City’s Comprehensive Plan)
- Other race equity goals
Staff will complete and present this work Mayor and City Council later this spring.
The City Council may consider a rent stabilization policy through the City’s legislative process. If passed, a rent stabilization ordinance would then go on a ballot for approval from Minneapolis voters.
Contact us
Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 320
Minneapolis, MN 55415