Who can file a complaint
Any member of the public with information about police officer misconduct can file a complaint.
You can file a complaint on behalf of another person if they need help, such as a minor or vulnerable adult.
Any member of the public with information about police officer misconduct can file a complaint.
You can file a complaint on behalf of another person if they need help, such as a minor or vulnerable adult.
The Office of Police Conduct Review (OPCR) handles any violation of the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) Policy and Procedure Manual.
This includes but is not limited to:
We do not handle:
If you need immediate assistance from the police, please call 911. If you need police assistance in Minneapolis for a non-urgent issue, please contact MPD.
Our office can only investigate MPD officers. If you are not sure what agency an officer works for but believe it may be MPD, you can continue with the “How to file a complaint" process below.
If you know your complaint is about an officer who works for another agency, please contact that agency directly. For help finding another agency’s contact information, you can contact 311.
You can also file a complaint about any officer working in Minnesota. Contact the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training:
To report discrimination in Minneapolis not involving the police, you can file a complaint with the Complaint Investigations Division.
If you want to file a complaint about a civilian/non-sworn member of MPD, you can contact the MPD Internal Affairs Division.
If you are a City employee and want to file a complaint about an MPD officer, you can contact the MPD Internal Affairs Division.
You can file a complaint with us if you believe an MPD officer damaged your property. However, if you are seeking payment for property damages, you can contact Risk Management.
You can file a police officer complaint online, in person, by phone, or by mail.
Your complaint is the beginning of a larger process. Understand what happens after you file a complaint.
Understand the complaint review process
If you know your case number, you can look up certain information about your complaint.
See the status of your complaint
We welcome the public taking part in police oversight. Your complaint can make Minneapolis a better place.
We understand people have many reasons for filing complaints. Be aware that filing a complaint with us does not:
How state law affects our work
Learn how state law affects civilian oversight of police in Minneapolis.
Court-enforceable settlement agreement
Much of the complaint process is a result of an agreement between the City and the Minnesota Department of Human Rights.
Associate Director
Office of Police Conduct Review
City HallOffice hours
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday