38th St. station area rezoning study, east of Hiawatha
In 2006 the Minneapolis City Council adopted the 38th Street Station Area Plan, following an extensive neighborhood planning process. The plan outlines a vision for new transit-oriented development and related public improvements in the area near the 38th Street Light Rail Transit station.
A key component of realizing the long-term vision outlined in the plan is to ensure that the city’s zoning code, which regulates land use and development, is compatible with the adopted plan. This means analyzing the existing zoning near the station and recommending changes that will allow for the type of development envisioned in the plan. The department of Community Planning and Economic Development (CPED) has conducted this analysis for the area covered by the 38th Street Station Area Plan and recommended zoning changes to the City Planning Commission at a public hearing on May 21, 2012. This rezoning study addresses the portion of the 38th Street station area that is east of Hiawatha Avenue. Zoning changes west of Hiawatha Avenue took place in 2008.
Staff recommendations
Below are the staff-recommended zoning changes presented at an open house at Longfellow Park on April 16, 2012.
Recommended changes to the Primary Zoning
Recommended changes to the Overlay Zoning
City planning commission
The City Planning Commission considered the proposed zoning changes at a public hearing on May 21, 2012. Below are links to the staff report and the revised map that the City Planning Commission forwarded to the City Council.
Staff Report
Primary Zoning and Industrial Living Overlay District as recommended by the City Planning Commission
Pedestrian Oriented Overlay District as recommended by the City Planning Commission
City Council
Primary Zoning and Industrial Living Overlay District as approved by the City Council
Primary Zoning and Industrial Living Overlay District as approved by the City Council
Zoning District Descriptions
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