Hiawatha Trail gap

In 2018 and 2019, the City of Minneapolis will reconstruct a segment of bike trail along Hiawatha Ave from 28th St to 32nd St. This will restore the bicycling connection that once existed and provide
Project location

Project status



2018 - Phase 1: trail from 28th St E to Lake St E

2019 - Phase 2: trail from Lake St E to 32nd St E

Project details

Project type


Project year


Project limits

Eastside of Hiawatha Ave from 28th St to 32nd St


In 1999, Hiawatha Avenue was constructed with a 12 foot wide concrete trail on the west side of the corridor. In 2004, the light rail project reduced the width of this trail significantly to a standard sidewalk width between 28th Street and 32nd Street, creating a trail gap. There is no facility on the east side of Hiawatha Avenue between 28th Street and Lake Street. There is an irregular width sidewalk on the east side of Hiawatha Avenue between Lake Street and East 32nd Street. This project would restore the bicycling connection that once existed and provide a safe place for pedestrians.

Project facts

  • Identified in 2011 Bicycle Master Plan
  • Project location is on the east side of Hiawatha from 28th Street to 32nd Street
  • Budget of $1.35 million; paid for by City of Minneapolis funding
  • Project to be constructed within MnDOT Right-of-way in 2018.

Project documents

Project Design Layout

Public meetings

Public Open House
6-8 p.m. on Monday, July 17, 2017
Longfellow Park

Project updates

February 5, 2020:

Project is substantially completed and is open to users. The only work remaining is for the City of Minneapolis to install light poles.

November 29, 2018:

Phase I of the project between 28th St E and Lake St E is substantially complete. Work on Phase II will begin next spring between Lake St E and 32nd St E.

October 19, 2018:

The contractor is finishing up removing vegetation and underlying soil between Lake St and 28th St E. Public Works crews are following closely behind with grading in preparation for paving of the bike trail and sidewalk.

 Project photos

Existing conditions - Lake Street looking North


Existing conditions - Lake Street looking South
Existing conditions - East 32nd Street looking North

Contact us


Public Works







Public Works




City Hall
350 Fifth St. S.
Room 203
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office hours

Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.