Hi-Lake Phase 1 Study
In 2016, the City and Hennepin County completed the Hi-Lake Phase 1 Intersection Study, a technical study to inform decisions about potential improvements to the pedestrian and bicycle environment at the Hi-Lake interchange. Phase 1 of the study documented existing conditions, key transportation issues at the intersection, and identified potential short and long-term treatments at the intersection.
Several goals emerged from the Phase I study:
- Improve pedestrian and bicyclist comfort, safety, and security, and minimize delay at signals
- Ensure the roadway configuration supports all transit movements and facilitates efficient transit operations
- Reallocate right-of-way from vehicle lanes to sidewalk space where feasible to accommodate improved transit infrastructure, including arterial bus rapid transit stations
- Create a dedicated connection between nearby bicycle trails and the Blue Line Lake Street Station
The City shared Phase 1 of the study with community organizations in the area and at community events.
Phase 1 study materials
Hi-Lake Intersection Study
Hi-Lake Intersection Appendices