Project status
Emerson Ave N and Fremont Ave N are scheduled to receive pedestrian and bicycle improvements in 2018. The goal of the project is to improve pedestrian crossings and to increase the safety of the existing bike facility on the corridor. There is an expected traffic calming benefit to the improvements as well. Pedestrian improvements will include curb bumpouts and pedestrian shelter medians. These will reduce crossing distances and improve sight lines for pedestrians.
Bicycle improvements include a protected bikeway along Emerson and Fremont from Plymouth Ave N to 33rd Ave N. This will be installed with on-street pavement markings and plastic delineators (posts). This bikeway will be similar to type of bikeway recently installed on Plymouth Ave N, east of Lyndale Ave N. A left-side running bike lane is necessary to reduce impact to current and future transit operations. Therefore, parking is proposed to shift from the left-hand side of the street to the right-hand side of the street on Emerson Ave N from Plymouth - West Broadway, and on Fremont Ave N from Lowry to Plymouth. The quantity of street parking along the corridor will remain approximately the same. Though there is expected to be a loss of one parking spot at the location of each curb bumpout.
Plymouth Ave N to 44th Ave N. Protected Bikeway: Plymouth Ave N to 33rd Ave N
June 2018
1 Construction season
Implementation of the protected bikeway requires reducing Emerson Avenue N to one travel lane, similar to the current configuration of Fremont Ave N. A traffic model was used to study the potential traffic impacts of this lane reduction along with future D-Line bus operations on the corridor. The lane reduction was determined to be feasible. A left-side running bike lane was shown to present the least conflict with bus operations and also reduced general traffic impacts during the PM-peak hour. Additional turn lanes are necessary at major intersections in order to reduce travel delays and impacts to transit operations. During construction, temporary lane shifts and closures should be expected.
Emerson Ave N (Plymouth Ave N - 33rd Ave N) Fremont Ave N (Plymouth Ave N - Lowry Ave) Fremont Ave N (Lowry Ave N - 44th Ave N)
The staff recommended layout was approved at the May 2nd, 2017 City Council Transportation and Public Works Committee.
Project Presentation and Q&A - March 20th, 2017 at 6:30pm - North Regional Library (Northern Meeting Room) 1315 Lowry Ave N.
Project Open House - March 13th, 2017 - Stop by anytime from 4pm - 7pm - North Commons Park Recreation Center - 1801 James Ave N Room 112
The project was also brought for discussion at 5 neighborhood organizations along the corridor in February 2017.