Project status
In 2019, the Minneapolis Public Works Department, constructed a pedestrian safety project on Bloomington Ave at the intersections of E 22nd St and E 27th St. This project included infrastructure enhancements to create a safer environment for pedestrians attempting to cross Bloomington Ave.
Pedestrians: 280-450
Bicycles: 350-380
Motor Vehicles: 6,850
August 9, 2019: Removal of the pedestrian ramps and center islands are complete. Minneapolis water will be relocated the fire hydrants while paving crews installed new ADA pedestrian ramps and center islands.
August 1, 2019: Construction of project began.
July - November 2018: Public Works collected data and initiated a community engagement process.
December - January 2018: Public Works developed a layout concept.
February 2019: Public Works provided a design recommendation.
August 1, 2019: Start of project construction.
City HallOffice hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.