Public space concepts

We provide design concept recommendations for public space at New Nicollet.

What to know

Between June 2023 and February 2024, we:

  • Engaged communities
  • Studied materials
  • Came up design concepts for public spaces

The City Council and Mayor approved the recommended design concept in April 2024.

Request accessible format

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Our video is available in English, Somali, and Spanish.

New Nicollet Redevelopment Recommended Street and Public Space Concepts

Learn about the recommended street and public space concepts for the redevelopment of New Nicollet. 

Dib-u-dhiska cusub ee Nicollet: Maarso 2024 cusbooneysiin

Magaaladu waxay idiin soo bandhigi doonaa fikradaha cusub ee lagu talinayo dib u dhiska Nicollet Qorshaha iyo talo soo jeedinta ee dhulka Dadweynaha. Magaaladu waxay qorsheyneysaa inay dhisto Nicollet Ave inta u dhaxaysa Cecil Newman Lane iyo Lake Street oo ay horumariso cufnaanta sare, isticmaalka isku dhafan, degmo la lugayn karo. 

Reurbanización de la Nueva Nicollet: Actualzación de marzo 2024

El personal de la Ciudad comparte el concepto recomendado para la nueva Nicollet Plano de distribución y el marco recomendado del espacio público. La Ciudad planea construir Nicollet Ave entre Cecil Newman Lane y Lake Street y desarrollar un distrito peatonal de alta densidad y uso mixto en el sitio.

Contact us

New Nicollet Redevelopment Team

Linnea Graffunder-Bartels

