You need a special permit to use liquified petroleum (LP) gas equipment at an event.
- We require a special event permit for temporary LP usage.
- You must also meet these requirements:
- Location of containers: LP gas containers must be outside. Safety release valves must point away from the tent or temporary membrane structure.
- Containers 500 or fewer gallons: Portable LP gas containers must be at least 10 feet away from any structure, property line, public ways or other containers.
- Containers more than 500 gallons: Portable LP gas containers must be at least 25 feet away from any structure, property line, public ways or other containers.
- Protection and security:
- Portable LP gas containers, piping, valves and fittings are usually located outside. Wwe must approve the location.
- You must protect the equipment to prevent tampering, damage by vehicles or other hazards.
- You must fasten in place portable LP gas containers to prevent unauthorized movement.
Download a special event permit application
Submit your application
Submit application to the Minneapolis Development Review Office
Get help
You can meet with a customer service representative about stages at events.
See how to get help at the City of Minneapolis Service Center
Contact us
Minneapolis Development Review
Community Planning & Economic Development
Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 220
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Service Center hours
Monday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.