Liquor store
Retailers that sell alcohol must have a license.
Before you begin
Before you begin, look at our information about:
See Off-Sale Liquor Application
Submit your application
Submit your application to Business Licenses & Consumer Services
If you have questions, contact:
Businesses that sell off-sale liquor must follow State and City laws:
- Our local laws include regulations for:
- Business licenses
- Zoning
- We make no exceptions to these requirements.
Before you apply for an off-sale liquor license, decide on your location. If you want a location outside of the B4 Downtown zoning district:
- You must meet all required minimum standards:
- More than 2000 feet from an existing off-sale store (front door to front door)
- Zoned CM3 or higher, or Industrial
- Five contiguous acres of appropriately zoned property
- More than 300 feet from a religious institution or a school (property line to property line)
- See a map of current off-sale businesses:
- Businesses have a 2,000 foot bubble and appropriate zoning.
- Note that the map does not include religious institutions or schools.
Contact us
Business Licenses & Consumer Services
Community Planning & Economic Development
Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 220
Minneapolis, MN 55415