Bid tabulations

The bid tabulation summary lists all suppliers who responded to the invitation to bid and the prices that were submitted this year.

List of respondents 

The bid tabulation summary (bid tab) information was provided at the public bid opening session at the City of Minneapolis Procurement division, on the due date of the bid.

In some cases, the bid tab contains just the list of all bidders who responded, but not the price - for those tabs, a complete bid tab will be posted at a later date, once the review of prices for various line items have been completed.


February 3rd - February 7th

Bid Tab Event 3392 - MPRB Stewart recreation center

January 27th - January 31st

Bid Tab Event 3420 - PW - Green Infrastructure Installation & Maintenance

January 20th - January 24th

Bid Tab Event 3358 - Biochar facility - phase 1

January 13th - January 17th

Bid Tab Event 3262 - MPRB Bottineau Field Park site improvements

Bid Tab Event 3361 - Water main cleaning and lining 2025

Bid Tab Event 3396 - PW - cast or ductile iron fittings

Bid Tab Event 3405 - PW - hot mix asphalt

January 6th to January 10th

Bid Tab Event 3413 - City Hall council chambers security upgrade

Bid Tab Event 3408 - Battle motors truck parts, service and repair

Bid Tab Event 3294 - MPRB Bottineau Field Park landscape plantings

Bid Tab Event 3399 - PW 2nd St N gate valve replacement


December 16th to December 20th

Bid Tab Event 3321 - MPRB Annual Tree Purchase and Delivery 2025

Bid Tab Event 3398 - Concrete pavement diamond grinding

Bid Tab Event 3345 - PW - Bridge 9 improvements

December 9th - December 13th

Bid Tab Event 3374 - Golden Valley butterfly valve vault

Bid Tab Event 3375 - Lake Nokomis concessions structure

December 2nd - December 6th

Bid Tab Event 3362 - Nicollet Island pavilion reroofing and cupola repairs proj.

Bid Tab Event 3237 - Hazardous tree removal and grinding

November 25th - November 29th

Bid Tab Event 3385 - Landscaping/Columbia Hts. side slope restoration

Bid Tab Event 3351 - Ground-in traffic marking thermoplastic

November 18th - November 22nd

Bid Tab Event 3364 - Concrete pavement diamond grinding

Bid Tab Event 3360 - Pavement profiling and rental of roto milling services

November 10th - November 15th

Bid Tab Event 3285 - MPRB Francis A Gross golf course maintenance storage build.

November 4th to November 8th

Event 3303 - PW - ferric chloride 2024

October 28th - November 1st

Event 3328 - PW - stabilized full depth reclamation

Event 3276 - improvements for Lake Harriet Bandshell

Event 3325 - Folwell Park - all wheel park

Event 3324 - Folwell Park - site improvements

October 21st - October 25th

Event 3310 - MCC hall E cooling coil replacement project

October 13th to October 18th

Event 3304 - Corrosion inhibitor 2024

October 7th to October 11th

Bid Tab Event 3301 - PW - displacement type cold water meters 5.8 - 2"

Bid Tab Event 3300 - PW - displacement type cold water meters 3-6"

Event 3288 - Liquid sodium hydroxide

September 30th to October 4th

Event 3279 - Exterior improvements - phase 3 - City Hall

Event 3292 - PW - crushing rubble concrete

September 23rd to September 27th

Event 3283 - PW - concrete pavement sawing and joint sealing

Event 3044 - PW - Phillips traffic safety

Event 3222 - Bancroft pond improvements

Event 3274 - Rebid - Riverside Park improvements

September 16th to September 20th

Event 3186 - PW - hydraulic packer and tipper parts and service

Event 3236 - PW - liquid carbon dioxide

Event 3308 - PW - concrete reinforcing steel

Event 3170 - 5th St Transit Center - modernization - ramp B

Event 3105 - PW - 30th Ave S. sanitary sewer replacement

September 9th - September 13th

Event 3264 - FPS - 3000 Minnehaha Avenue window and door installation

Event 3261 - MCC - concessions 136 remodel

Event 3248 - PW - plug-style cord stops

Event 3247 - FPS - 3000 Minnehaha Avenue fire restoration and Cleanup

Event 3245 - MPRB East Bank trail improvements project

September 2nd - September 6th

Event 3218 - PW - Fulton residential ADA ramp upgrades

Event 3243 - PW - hauling and disposal of waste materials

Event 3273 - Concrete reinforcing steel

August 26th - August 30th

Event 3059 - PW - rental of motor grader units

Event 2977 - large diameter storm main televising Northeast

Event 3016 - large diameter storm main televising North

Event 3238 - Pump Station #9 VFD Replacement

Event 3241 - PW - bypass sewage pumps

August 12th - August 16th

Event 3175 - PW - Bossen Terrace sanitary and storm sewer improv

August 5th - August 9th

Event 3208 - PW - traffic control devices

Event 3188 - MCC ballroom carpet replacement

July 29th - August 2nd

Event 3042 - Health -biochar production facility

July 22nd - July 26th

Event 3131 - Telecommunications equipment and services

July 15th - July 19th

Event 3145 - PW - 1st Ave S green stormwater infrastructure

Event 3149 - Public Works - parking ramp waterproofing

Event 2967 - PW - large diameter sewer CIPP lining 2024

July 8th - July 12th

Event 3178 - Bluff Street Park native landscape restoration

Event 3159 - MCC - electrical switchgear replacement

Event 3160 - Heavy duty towing services

July 1st - July 5th

Event 2938 - PW - street lighting replacement

Event 3150 - Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) - Nokomis trail improvements

June 17th - June 21st

Event 3148 - Public Works - tapping sleeves and repair clamps

Event 3138 - MPRB Nicollet Island pavilion reroofing

June 10th - June 14th

Event 3128 - Safety improvement projects - phase D - City Hall

Event 3098 - Hennepin-Dunwoody bikeway project

Event 3125 - Lead service line replacements

Event 3113 - Exterior Improvements - Phase 3-City Hall

June 3rd - June 7th

Event 3068 - Rebid - PW A, B and C ramp and skyway roofs

Event 3120 - All-wheel park at Folwell Park

Event 3119 - Folwell Park site improvements

Event 3123 - General Motors OEM Parts and Service

Event 3139 - PW - pre-cast reinforced concrete pipes

Event 3134 - REBID Fire Station 8 Casework


Request accessible format

If you need help with this information, please email 311, or call 311 or 612-673-3000.

Please tell us what format you need. It will help us if you say what assistive technology you use.

Contact us


Finance Department




Public Service Building
505 Fourth Avenue S., Room 310
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office hours

8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday