Minneapolis Climate Action Plan

The Climate Action Plan helps the City of Minneapolis reach our targets for a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.


The Climate Action Plan is a roadmap to reducing our city's climate impact. Our target goals by 2025 are to:

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30%
  • Generate 10% of our electricity from local, renewable sources
  • Raise the bicycle commute mode share to 15%
  • Increase our recycling rate to 50%
  • Reach a composting rate of 15% of the entire waste stream

The final plan provides a roadmap to guide Minneapolis towards our greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets.


Between 2012 and early 2013, we updated the Minneapolis Climate Action Plan. We worked with members of the community as well as the public, private, and non-profit sectors.

Plan development

We worked with a Steering Committee and Technical Advisory Groups to improve the Climate Action Plan. These groups included technical experts and community representatives. We developed strategies for three key areas:

  • Buildings and energy
  • Transportation and land use 
  • Waste and recycling

The final Climate Action Plan was adopted by City Council on June 28, 2013.

Minneapolis Climate Action Plan

Read the Minneapolis Climate Action Plan

Supplemental plan material

Read Appendix A  - Glossary

Read Appendix B - Assumptions in Calculating Expected Emissions

Read Appendix C  - Environmental Justice Working Group Recommendations

Appendix D  - Public Health Analysis