Transportation Engineering and Design

This Public Works division is responsible for capital projects, manages the right-of-way and special assessments.

Transportation Engineering & Design provides

  • Capital project planning, programming and project management 
  • Right-of-way management
  • Special assessments

Additional resources

Teams and units

Sidewalk Inspections

Sidewalks Inspections inspects and manages public sidewalks throughout the City.

What our team does

  • Inspects and oversees structural issues of public sidewalks
  • Repairs public sidewalks
  • Issues permits for sidewalk repair and replacement
  • Enforces snow and ice removal rules on public sidewalks

How to maintain your public sidewalk

Apply for a sidewalk inspection permit

Contact us

Public Works


City Hall
350 S. 5th St., Room 203
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office hours

Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.