Planning Commission - meets Mondays at 4:30 p.m. on the weeks of regularly scheduled City Council meetings at:
City Hall, Room 317
350 South 5th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55415
All public hearing items are subject to a ten-day appeal period after the Planning Commission meeting. Items that are appealed go before the Zoning & Planning Committee of the City Council. Planning Commission decisions that may not be appealed include street and alley vacations, rezonings, amendments to the Zoning Code, 40 Acre Studies, and amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, which are forwarded to the Zoning and Planning Committee and City Council for final approval.
Planning Commission Committee of the Whole - meets Thursday following a public hearing at 4:30 p.m. on the weeks of regularly scheduled City Council meetings at:
City Hall, Room 319
350 South 5th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55415