Appointment process for civilian review panelists

Information about the appointment process for civilian review panelists in Minneapolis.

Selection process

Applications are received by the City Clerk and forwarded to the Department of Civil Rights for review. Selected applications are then scheduled for interview with a panel consisting of City staff and elected officials or their designee. Applicants nominated by the panel, as well as all applications received, are then forwarded to the applicable City Council Committee for review and referral to the full City Council for final approval.


In order to stagger the expiration of terms, the original appointments of civilian panelists shall be for terms of two (2), three (3) or four (4) years, as determined by the City Clerk.


All members shall be residents of the city. Individuals currently or previously employed by the Minneapolis Police Department are ineligible to serve as members of the civilian pool. References may be provided and will be checked. All Police Conduct Review Panel members must:

  • Be able to listen, read and analyze to process and assess a large amount of information quickly;
  • Be able to serve on hearing panels that review investigations regarding allegations of police misconduct;
  • Have excellent writing skills;
  • Not have a pending complaint against the Minneapolis Police Department;
  • Conduct themselves with integrity and maturity when dealing with emotionally charged matters;
  • Can display even handed temperament by evaluating each case fairly and neutrally in a non-discriminatory manner;
  • Demonstrate diligence in reviewing investigative reports and resolving disputes;
  • Show a strong commitment to community service;
  • Have an ability to communicate with people of all levels of education and backgrounds;
  • Be willing to collaborate with Minneapolis Police personnel (lieutenants or higher) when making case recommendations;
  • Be able to complete training regarding police use of force, the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Open Meeting Laws, and the Minnesota Public Employee Labor Relations Act.

The Office of Police Conduct Review may establish additional required qualifications.

Minimum training requirements

  1. Annual training session as arranged by the Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights.
  2. Mandatory training in the following subject areas as arranged by the Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights: police use of force, Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Open Meeting law, the Minnesota Public Employee Labor Relations Act, ethics and conflict of interest.
  3. Within two (2) years of appointment, all new members must complete the portions of the Citizen's Academy as determined by the Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights.

Additional information

The Police Conduct Review Panel meets on an as needed basis. Hearings and Reviews may be conducted in the evening and on weekends. Panel members are compensated $50.00 for each day when the member attends one or more meetings or panel review sessions, and shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of duties in the same manner and amount as other city boards and commission members.

See current openings on boards & commissions

Contact us

Russell Fujisawa

Associate Director

Office of Police Conduct Review




Phone: 612-673-5500

Fax: 612-673-2599

TTY: 612-263-6850


City Hall
350 Fifth St. S., Room 239
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office hours

8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday