Availability of the environmental assessment worksheet (EAW)
The total project area encompasses an approximately two and one-half acre site along Nicollet Mall in Downtown Minneapolis, between South 3rd and 4th Streets. This phased development is anticipated to be developed in two separate phases and would provide at completion up to 728 dwelling units, 12,000 square feet of commercial space, and up to 909 off-street parking spaces. Alternatively, Phase 2 could be constructed with up to 365,606 square feet of office space instead of residential units. Phase 1, would include 364 residential units, up to 12,000 SF of ground level retail space, approximately 430 parking spaces, occupy approximately 60,524 square feet of land and is planned for construction in 2015-2017. Each phase would be taken through the City’s design and approval process independently.
Copies of the EAW will be available for review at the downtown Minneapolis Central Library located at 300 Nicollet Mall, and in the office of the City’s CPED, Land Use, Design and Preservation Section at 505 Fourth Ave. S., 320 Public Service Building. Notice will be published in the EQB Monitor on Monday, March 2nd, 2015. Public comments on the EAW must be made within the 30-day comment period, which ends at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 1, 2015. It is anticipated that the Zoning and Planning Committee at its regular meeting on April 23, 2015, or at a subsequent meeting, will receive a report and recommendation from City staff, hear comment from all parties and consider the adequacy of this EAW and the need for an Environmental Impact Statement for this proposal. The City Council will act on the recommendation of this Committee at a subsequent meeting on May 1, 2015.
Copies of this EAW can also be provided to individuals by email. For further information or to submit comments on the EAW, contact Hilary Dvorak.
Ritz Block Exhibits & Appendices
2015 Ritz Block Findings of Fact and Record of Decision
Notice of Decision