How to hide content

Seasonal and other content can be hidden from the public site when required.

Why hide content

  • Content is seasonal and out of season.
  • Content is being prepared for publishing on a future date.
  • Content is no longer relevant for the site but should not be deleted.

Preventing new section from publishing

When creating a new section page for the site which you do not want published, set the status of the section page to Pending to prevent publishing.

  1. Duplicate or create the section for the new content.
  2. On the General tab of the section properties, change the Status field to Pending.
  3. When ready to publish the content, change the Status for this page to Approved.

NOTE: This setting can only be adjusted by Quality Owners (moderators) or Administrators.

Preventing new content type from publishing

When adding a new content type to a section page, that content can be hidden from view by setting a future publish date.

  1. Add the new content type to your section.
  2. On the Options tab of the content type properties, set the Publish Date of the content type to the date on which the content should be published. If the Publish Date is unknown, you may also set the Expiry Date to a date in the past. That content will then stay hidden until the Expiry Date is removed.

Hiding previously published content

Individual content blocks can be removed from the public site by setting an Expiry Date for the content.

  1. In the properties of the content type, navigate to the Options tab and set the Expiry Date to a date in the past. Alternatively, content can also be hidden by changing the Publish Date for a content type to a future date.
  2. During the next publish cycle, the content should disappear from the public site.

NOTE: Expired content will remain in the same section unless an Archive section is defined. If an Archive section is defined, the expired content type will be moved to the Archive section. The Archive section setting exists on the Options tab along with the Expiry date field in the properties of the content type.

Section pages can be removed from the public site by duplicating the page and setting the Status to Pending.

  1. Duplicate the section page, then set the Status of the section to Pending.
  2. Remove the original section page by marking it for deletion.

NOTE: Links to the original page will become broken once the section page is removed. Check SiteImprove for broken links and update the links correspondingly.

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Information you provide is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. This law classifies certain information as available to the public on request.