Events (by Tag)

Events (by Tag) displays 3 events in one place. You can select from a variety of tags, which will then automatically showcase the 3 most recent events from that tag.

What it will look like

Below is an example of Events by Tag. Note that this will not be visible in preview mode. You must be in direct edit mode to see it. 

Events (by Tag) Example

You need to load the T4EventsCalendar Class

When to use

You should use a block of Events (by Tag) when you would like to display multiple related events in one place. You can select from a variety of tags, which will then automatically showcase the 3 most recent events from that tag.

When to consider something else

You should consider using one of the Promotion content types if you want to highlight a special event.

Best practices

  • Choose only relevant tags.
  • Select "Filter all link by Department or Neighborhood" if you are showing events by a specific department or neighborhood. 
  • If you do select the "Filter all link by Department or Neighborhood" option, make All Link text specific. For example, "More Whittier events" is better than "More events."

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