Main body content

The Main Body Content appears below the Blank Group Heading on every page on the website. Use this content type for all content for the page other than the page header and summary, the accessibility t

Main body content overview

The main body content is the main part of each web page on the transitional site. You're looking at the main body content for this page right now.

It includes all content you want on the page, except the:

  • Page header and summary
  • Group heading
  • Accessibility text, if needed
  • Contact us content type
  • Contact

Best practices

  • Use headings: If you have a lot of content, use H2 headings to break up your main body content into organized sections.
    • Write headings in sentence case (First word only capitalized), not title case (Each Word Capitalized).
    • Do not use a period at the end of a heading. Keep the heading short.
    • If you need a group of subheads under a heading, make sure to use the next size down heading (H3).
  • Follow content guidelines
    See content best practices
  • Link to related content: Do not repeat content that already lives on another page. We want just one place for each piece of content. 
    See how to link
  • Check readability: Make sure final copy for your page is at a 6th to 8th grade reading level. Paste the copy in the Hemingway Editor app.
    View the Hemingway Editor app

Contact us

Example contact

We included this contact block to show an example contact block on a page.


2300 N 1st St.

Minneapolis, MN



More information

Learn more about the Contact content type

2nd example contact

You can add more than 1 row of contact information for different people or departments.


2300 N 1st St.

Minneapolis, MN



More information

Learn more about the Contact content type