Group Heading

A Group Heading marks the start of a group of content. Visually, this block includes a stripe of white background stacked on top of a stripe of gray background. The gray background may 

What it will look like

See below.

  1. The first example is a Group Heading with content.
  2. The second example shows a Group Heading without content.

A group heading with content

When to use

You should always place a Group Heading above a group of one or more of the following "stackable" content types. A Group Heading does not need to have text, so even if you don’t have an H2 heading to add, you should add a Group Heading above one or more of these.

When not to use it

Most content types include their own "Heading" field. If a block includes this field and it isn't one of the "stackable" content types, you don't need to precede it with a Group Heading.

Best practices


  • Place a Group Heading above one or more stackable content types, even if you don't include text in the "Group Heading" field.
  • Be brief and clear.
  • Use sentence case.


  • Don't include a period at the end of the heading.



When you use a Group Heading with text, it will appear as a Heading 2 element on the page. The headings within the group of stackable content types below it should start at Heading 3.

When you use a Group Heading without text, all headings within the group of stackable content types below it should start at Heading 2.

Learn more about headings and accessibility

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