
It is a core value of the City of Minneapolis to provide equitable access to services and resources to residents who are non-English speakers.


It is a core value of the City of Minneapolis to provide equitable access to services and resources to residents who are non-English speakers.

The Neighborhood and Community Relations Department (NCR) currently provides culturally-sensitive bilingual assistance for Hmong, Latino, and Somali residents with City-related issues and opportunities.

Español (Spanish)

Atención. Si desea recibir asistencia gratuita para traducir cualquier información sobre este sitio, llama


Hmoob (Hmong)

Ceeb toom. Yog koj xav tau kev pab txhais cov xov no rau koj dawb, hu


Soomaaliga (Somali)

Ogow. Haddii aad dooneyso in lagaa kaalmeeyo tarjamadda macluumaadkani oo lacag la' aan wac


American Sign Language

TTY: 612-263-6850