Census neighborhood tool kit

This tool kit is designed for neighborhood organizations to have quick and simple ways to have access to and share information about the upcoming 2020 census.

What can neighborhood organizations do to ensure their residents are counted?

1. Help communicate: Neighborhoods have connections to residents in their community and can help make sure everyone is receiving information about the census. Here are a few ways to do so:

  • Include information about the 2020 census in your newsletter. Sign up for census updates here.
  • Leverage social media to promote awareness about the 2020 census.
  • Have 2020 census related information available at your community meetings, and place posters and fliers in strategic locations around your neighborhood.
  • Develop targeted messages – especially with concrete examples of how census data has helped your neighborhood in the past.
  • Make a list of events from now until census day that can be used to educate under-counted populations about the 2020 census and its importance to the community.  

2. Be partners: Neighborhoods can be strong partners to ensure that all residents are counted. Here are a few ways to do so:

  • Educate your neighborhood leadership about the importance and impact of the census.
  • Connect and partner with other organizations in your neighborhood to help promote the 2020 census.  

3. Host Events: Neighborhood organizations can gather residents through fun events to spread the word about the 2020 census. Here are a few ways to do so:

  • Plan a census day event to motivate community response. This could be done by hosting a day of door knocking, a Trusted Spaces, Trusted Faces census completion center, a 2020 census jobs recruitment event, or any other way to get information out to your residents. 


  1. United States Census Bureau: https://www.census.gov/
  2. City of Minneapolis: http://www.minneapolismn.gov/census
  3. Posters, fliers and informational handouts: http://www.minneapolismn.gov/census/WeCountResources
  4. Sample newsletter article: Coming soon.