The City of Minneapolis has approved a green fleet policy to help the City maintain its commitment to sustainability while reducing the short-term and long-term costs of City vehicles. Cars and trucks are the largest contributor of air pollution within Minneapolis and are a significant source of greenhouse gases. Air pollution is linked to increased rates of cancer, heart and lung disease, asthma and allergies. Carbon dioxide pollution, a greenhouse gas, causes climate change.
This policy continues work the City has already begun in greening its fleet and provides clearer direction and standardized practices for all City departments. Minneapolis is one of the first government agencies in the Twin Cities metro area to implement a green fleet policy.
Our green fleet by the numbers
- 40 All-Electric Vehicles
- 110 Hybrid Vehicles
- 1 Plug-In Hybrid Vehicle
- 535 Flex Fuel Vehicles (vehicles that can use E85 or unleaded fuel)
- 261 Bio-Diesel Vehicles (vehicles that use a renewable, clean-burning blend of diesel fuel and agricultural oils)

Electric vehicle charging
Interesting fleet facts
- 20+ Level 2 EV (Electric Vehicle) charging stations at 6 City facilities.
- One EV DCFC (Direct Current Fast Charger) is being installed at the Currie Maintenance Facility fall 2021.
- All non-emergency City vehicles are equipped with GPS devices that provide idle time data to reduce vehicle idling and greenhouse gas emissions.
- Updated Public Works Idle policy to comply with Minneapolis Code of Ordinances Title 3, Chapter 58.
- All new diesel trucks and construction equipment have been manufactured with a diesel after-treatment filter.
- Two E85 (85% ethanol, 15% gasoline) fueling sites – Hiawatha Maintenance Facility and Currie Maintenance Facility
- Two fueling sites equipped with DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid) dispensers – Currie Maintenance Facility and Eastside Maintenance Facility.
- Recycling of oil, filters, anti-freeze, tires, batteries, and scrap metal.
- Commitment to using green products for degreasers, de-icers, and vehicle body cleaning solutions.
Innovative partnerships
- Partnership with Xcel Energy to install electrical infrastructure in three City of Minneapolis facilities for EV charging stations.
- Grants from the MPCA, including a portion of the VW mitigation funds, to install EV charging stations.