Flea market
You need a license to sell arts, crafts, antiques or secondhand goods in Minneapolis.
You need this license for:
- Flea markets
- Exhibitions
- Temporary markets
- You need a separate license for each location.
- Each market must have at least 10 vendors.
You do not need a license for the following types of sales:
- Donations to a non-profit group
- Books and magazines
- Post cards, postage stamps, revenue stamps, stamped envelopes, postmarks and similar historic items
- Coins, currency, tokens, medals and other related collectibles
- Goods sold at public or farmers markets
- Used motor vehicles by licensed dealers
- Arts and craft sales at block events if the sellers have no secondhand goods
Before you begin
See How to open a new business
Submit your application
Submit your application to Business Licenses & Consumer Services
If you have questions, contact:
More information
Report concerns about a business
The information on this page should serve only as guidelines.
Contact us
Business Licenses & Consumer Services
Community Planning & Economic Development
Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 220
Minneapolis, MN 55415