Event food sponsor permit application form

Complete this PDF document to apply for an event food sponsor permit.

What to know

PDF permit application

  • Complete the event food sponsor permit application sections A‐E.
  • At least two weeks before the event start date:
  • Print the food vendor checklist (pages 8‐9 of the short term food permit application). You will fill out the checklist during setup on the first day of the event.

Electronic permit application

If you prefer to apply for a permit electronically, you can request an electronic application.

Request electronic application

PDF document

Contact us


Minneapolis Health Department

Environmental Health Permit






Make payment in person at:

Public Service Building
Minneapolis Service Center
505 Fourth Ave. S., Skyway level
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Mail a payment to:

Minneapolis Environmental Health
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 520
Minneapolis, MN 55415


Minneapolis 311


Office hours

7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Monday – Friday