Property conditions tier
The Property Conditions Tier focuses on the violations we find during an inspection. Properties with a higher property conditions tier will be inspected more frequently and charged a higher fee.
- Tier 1, Eight-year inspection cycle. Well-maintained, and meets minimum housing code. A property’s tier is determined by looking back at the last two years of data. As a result, properties that have not been inspected or had any issues reported to the City in those two years may be labeled as a Tier 1. If you are wondering if this applies to your rental, you can check the building’s rental license certificate to see the last time inspectors were inside the property. Current issues may not be known to us if this date is more than two years ago.
- Tier 1 (By Default), Properties that have not had a routine rental license inspection in over five years fall into the 1 (By Default) category. The 1 (By Default) will be noted on your rental license certificate. The fee and inspection cycle are the same as Tier 1.
- Tier 2, Five-year cycle. Property is well-maintained but has a few documented issues that may have an urgent impact on renter safety and habitability.
- Tier 3, One-year cycle. Property may be poorly maintained. There are several documented issues, and it is likely that more than one has an urgent impact on renter health and safety.