Parkland dedication fee

Developers may need to pay a parkland dedication fee. You can see how much it is and when it is required.
Loring park with skyline



Our City's parkland dedication ordinance ensures that we continue to make parkland available to residents and visitors throughout the City.

The ordinance applies to construction projects that cover more than 5,000 square feet of land, and fall into one or more of the following categories.

  • New commercial or industrial construction
  • Additions to existing construction
  • A net increase in the number of residential dwelling units 

See Minneapolis Code of Ordinances Title 22, Article V - Parkland Dedication

See Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board mapping tool

How it works

Three options

If your development is subject to the ordinance, you must do one of the following.

  • Dedicate a reasonable portion of the land to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board. The board may decline your dedication and require you to pay the fee.
  • Propose a privately-owned park or plaza for public use. 
  • Pay a parkland dedication fee when we issue your building permit.

See the parkland dedication fee schedule

Fee details

  • We transfer your fee payments to the Park and Recreation Board.
  • We keep a five percent nonrefundable administrative fee.
  • The administrative fee will not exceed $1,000 per project. 

Refunds and appeals

  • Refund for parkland dedication fees are handled by Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board. 
  • Appeals are conducted through the district court process.

Contact us

Minneapolis Development Review

Community Planning & Economic Development


Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 220
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Service Center hours
Monday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.