Code compliance common questions

Answers to common questions about code compliance in the City of Minneapolis.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

6. Do I need to make an appointment prior to coming down to the office to start the process and/or ask questions?
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7. Who is responsible for making application and paying for the code compliance inspection?
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11. Does someone have to be at the property for the inspection?
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14. Can I offer the property for sale, start working on it or occupy it if I have had the inspection but the orders haven't been issued?
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17. As the homeowner can I pull the permits to rehab the property?
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19. Do I have to pay a $4000 deposit before I can start? Can I pay by credit card or check? Is this the only fee that needs to be paid before I start?
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22. What happens if I don't complete the work in the timeline allowed including the extension?
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23. If I pull the building permit and do not know how to complete some of the work, will inspectors or city staff explain so I can do the work myself?
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27. If I am in a hurry to buy or sell a condemned house, is there any way to speed up the process?
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28. Are the orders available on the City of Minneapolis website?
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Contact us


Construction Code Services

Community Planning & Economic Development






Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 320
Minneapolis, MN 55415