Disposal guide

This searchable guide tells you how to properly dispose of many common and uncommon household items.

Total results:

If you cannot find an item

If you do not have City collection service or are unable to find your item, see the Hennepin County resources below or contact Solid Waste & Recycling.

Contact us

Solid Waste & Recycling

Public Works


Email Solid Waste & Recycling




Eastside Maintenance Facility

2635 University Ave NE

Minneapolis, MN 55418

Office hours

8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday

This building is closed to the public.

Annual mailer delay

Due to paper shortages, annual mailers will be sent out mid-March. Please contact our office if you do not receive your guide by mid-April. Use our collection day lookup tool if you have questions before your guide arrives. After finding your collection day, you can also sign up to receive Recycling Reminder emails.