Parking and driving

Find information to help you drive and park in the city. Learn about road closures, street sweeping and more.
Park and drive safely
Park and drive safely

I want to

Get the MPLS Parking app

Use the MPLS Parking app to pay for metered parking. This easy app makes it simple to find a metered parking spot. You can also pay for metered street parking right from your phone.

If you need to stay parked for longer, you can use the app to extend your parking session up to your space's time limit.

You can also manage fleet parking accounts through the web app in your browser.

Search the Impound Lot

You'll need the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) or license number.

Contact us

Minneapolis 311

Email Minneapolis 311


7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Monday – Friday

See list of City holidays